About R.A. Dyer
R.A. “Jake” Dyer has reported on pool, its players and history for three decades. He is the author of The Hustler & The Champ, and Hustler Days — both from Lyons Press. Dyer also writes the Untold Stories column for Billiards Digest, one of the nation’s premier pool magazines. His award-winning journalistic career includes dispatches from Central America, Haiti, Panama and Mexico, Houston and the Texas Capitol on behalf of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post and other publications. At the Houston Chronicle, Dyer was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Get in touch
R.A. DYER is the author of The Hustler & The Champ, and Hustler Days — both from Lyons Press. He currently is working on a third book on pool history.
Contact R.A. Dyer