Tell me a story …
Don “Cincinnati Kid” Willis and the Big Hoorah Hustle
Don Willis, the long-time road partner of the great Wimpy Lassiter, was born on May 1, 1909 and died on March 2, 1984. Willis never was a tournament player. He said he’d rather play a nobody for $7 than a world champion for nothing. “I never practiced just for the sake of practicing. I always wanted to play — to play someone,” he said.
Son of Pool Great Cisero Murphy Pens Autobiography
In 1965, Cisero S. Murphy became the first black man to win a major billiards title.
Billiards Video: Legend Taberski Performs Trick Shots
Taberski was the nation’s dominant player shortly before the reign of Ralph Greenleaf.
10 Dead Guys Not in Hall of Fame (But Should Be)
Several important players and promoters have been skipped over through the years.
The Dean of Pocket Billiards: Memories of Onofrio Lauri
Lauri said you always get punch drunk playing Mosconi because he was so good.
Interview Excerpt: Weenie Beenie talks about Cleo Vaughn
Everybody went out there to play him. He was a bookmaker, and he had a lot of money.
Sociologist Recalls Jersey Red and 1960s Hustler Culture
Part I of Dyer’s 1998 interview with Ned Polksy, the late author of Hustlers, Beats and Others.
Johnston City Stories: Daddy Warbucks, a Hat and a Toilet Brush
Carlson appears to have stumbled into an unusual game with Hubert “Daddy Warbucks” Cokes.
19th Century Billiards Sleuthing from a Baseball Historian
Mystery Photos: The man with the crew cut is Mike Tiernan. But who is the bearded fellow?
From The Hamper to The Nice Chap: The History of Sharking
Your opponent on a roll? Stop the game to eat a sandwich. Repeat as necessary.
Alfredo de Oro: Pool Great Overshadowed by Greenleaf
De Oro played both three-cushion and pocket billiards — and excelled at both. De Oro first gained the pocket billiards crown in 1887 and then went on to win it 31 more times. De Oro also held the three-cushion title ten times between 1908 and 1919.
Master Class Sharking: The Alfredo De Oro Bladder Technique
Welcher Cochran, speaking about Alfredo de Oro: “That old man did not take one piss the entire game.”
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