by Pool History Guest Contributor | May 25, 2024 | 1930s Pool, 1970s Pool, Historic Players, World Pool
Team Europe Champion Ralph Eckert explores German pool history and some of the nation’s forgotten champions. ________________________________________________ Special for POOLHISTORY.COM By Ralph Eckert EDITOR’S NOTE: In this article — the second of a...
by radyer | Oct 24, 2023 | 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, Hustler Stories, Jansco Brothers, Minnesota Fats, Tom Fox, Tournaments
Why should we still care about Johnston City, now a half-century later? There are plenty of reasons, but foremost is that the tournaments changed American pool forever. ________________________________________________ By R.A. Dyer They came flooding in, maybe forty in...
by radyer | Feb 12, 2020 | 1950s Pool, 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, Historic Players, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories
Freddy “The Beard” Bentivegna “The ‘Encyclopedia’ of Pool Hustlers was the final hilarious work by pool writer Freddy ‘The Beard’ Bentivegna. He published the 325-page tome in 2013 and then passed away too soon in June of the...
by radyer | Aug 2, 2019 | 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, Billiards Video, Historic Players, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories, Jansco Brothers, Minnesota Fats
Pool history includes plenty of examples of grander tournaments but few were as colorful as those in Johnston City. I have been thinking a lot lately about the famous 1960s Johnston City tournaments, especially given the recent selection of tournament founders George...
by radyer | Apr 17, 2019 | 1950s Pool, 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, 1980s Pool, 1990s Pool, Historic Rooms, Jersey Red, Wimpy Lassiter
Pool halls. Everyone has a favorite. I was partial myself to Houston’s Cue & Cushion and Costa Rica’s Center Pool. Both now are defunct. For this post I’ve reproduced a number of letters I’ve received over the years about our readers’...
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