by radyer | Feb 27, 2019 | 1960s Pool, Hubert Cokes, Hustler Stories, Jansco Brothers
Gary Carlson, a former graduate student from Southern Illinois who wrote recently about a chance encounter he had with Minnesota Fats, also sent in a note about stumbling into a poolroom owned by George and Paulie Jansco. This was sometime back in the late 1960s. The...
by radyer | Feb 27, 2019 | 1800s Pool
Two photos. One mystery. The man with the crew cut on the right is Mike Tiernan, a famous 19th Century outfielder. But who is the bearded fellow on the left? Baseball historian Tom Shieber, the man behind the Baseball Researcher blog, recently stumbled across these...
by radyer | Feb 27, 2019 | Hustler Stories, Onofrio Lauri
Pool, as is noted in this great Sports Illustrated article that I’ve just stumbled across, involves sustained waiting. “When one player is at the table, there is nothing his opponent can do except sit and hope that he misses,” wrote Robert Coughlan...
by radyer | Feb 26, 2019 | 1910s Pool, 1920s Pool, 1930s Pool, Alfredo De Oro, Hustler Stories
The Alfredo De Oro Bladder Technique I wrote an essay sometime back in which I listed some of the most popular sharking techniques in history. Somehow I neglected to mention one of my favorites. During the 1936 World Billiards Tournament, when Alfredo De Oro was 71...
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