by Pool History Guest Contributor | Jun 27, 2020 | 1960s Pool, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories
Novelist Harmon Rangell shares memories of some of New York’s most famous poolrooms. By Harmon Rangell Harmon Rangell The first pool room I walked into was in Queens Village, New York, across from the LIRR railroad station on Springfield Boulevard just south of...
by radyer | Feb 12, 2020 | 1950s Pool, 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, Historic Players, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories
Freddy “The Beard” Bentivegna “The ‘Encyclopedia’ of Pool Hustlers was the final hilarious work by pool writer Freddy ‘The Beard’ Bentivegna. He published the 325-page tome in 2013 and then passed away too soon in June of the...
by Pool History Guest Contributor | Oct 10, 2019 | 1960s Pool, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories, U.J. Puckett
Poolroom regulars say the old pool hustler, dead now for more than 20 years, still causes mischief. By Jennifer Gardner Utley Puckett, better known to the pool world as hustler U.J. Puckett, was born in 1911 and died 81 years later, in 1992. In life he knew fame and...
by radyer | Aug 2, 2019 | 1960s Pool, 1970s Pool, Billiards Video, Historic Players, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories, Jansco Brothers, Minnesota Fats
Pool history includes plenty of examples of grander tournaments but few were as colorful as those in Johnston City. I have been thinking a lot lately about the famous 1960s Johnston City tournaments, especially given the recent selection of tournament founders George...
by radyer | Jul 15, 2019 | Historic Players, Historic Rooms, Historical Notes, Hustler Stories, Industry History
The Pool History Website accepts guest posts. W e accept guest posts. Interested in a historical pool match? A famous player from yesteryear? We pay a standard fee of $50 for accepted submissions upon publication. From left, Georgie Jansco, Eddie Taylor and Paulie...
by radyer | May 23, 2019 | 1940s Pool, Historic Rooms, Hustler Stories, Minnesota Fats, Rags Fitzpatrick, Wimpy Lassiter
Norfolk during World War II was a mecca for big-time pool. Greatest pool town ever? Johnston City you say. New York during the 1960s? Ladies and gentlemen I present for your consideration Norfolk, Virginia. During World War II the Navy town was a wonderland of...
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