The Pool History Website accepts guest posts.
e accept guest posts. Interested in a historical pool match? A famous player from yesteryear? We pay a standard fee of $50 for accepted submissions upon publication.

We consider completed posts, as well as original pitches. Send queries to R.A. Dyer at Writers should check all facts before submission, be sure to include attribution for referenced material when appropriate and have documentation available. Please include your name, telephone number and email address with your submission.
We pay for content relating to the history of American pool, historic players and matches. Have an idea not listed here? Send us a query and we can discuss. Journalistic and historically factual reporting only. Submissions typically run approximately 300-400 words.
Keep in mind that we also will need a public domain image to illustrate your article, or some other original image for which we will have demonstrable reproduction rights.
Payment and General Terms
Our standard fee for accepted blog posts is $50. Unless otherwise stipulated, payment is made via PayPal upon publication on this website.
Send your submission or proposal, via email, to R.A Dyer at
I grew up playing pool and all the games. I was really quite adept at knocking balls into the pockets.
In order to play I had to graduate from the back most table for newcomers, to the medium table, to the best one to Sam pike’s table. Sam was a legend where I played.
Greetings for the day !
My name is James Carter from Selah Pools. I was going through your blog site and found it highly relevant to my company niche. So, I am reaching out to inquire whether you accept guest blogs at the moment or not.
I am trying to establish my company and trustworthy and reliable brand online. Since guest blogging is one of the best ways to do so.
If you do publish guest blogs, I am attaching some topic suggestions that I think will be great for your audience—
Topic 1: 10 Things to know about swimming pool and its maintenance
Topic 2: How to add heater to your swimming pool for cozy winters
Topic 3: Is Acid wash better for pools , how about a chemical free wash ?
I am reaching out to inquire whether you accept guest blogs on your website. If your answer is yes, then contact me.