Erling Hammarstrom, the son of Norwegian parents, wrote me a few years back to recount stories of his poolroom hero, the famous Onofrio Lauri. I’ve reproduced his letter, shortened somewhat for space.
My sister and our parents settled in Brooklyn, in a neighborhood called Bay Ridge. The year was 1953 and I had just graduated from high school. A friend asked to go shoot a game of pool at a second-floor room managed by Onofrio Lauri, known as ‘The dean of pocket billiards.’
I was fascinated. The sound of the click of the balls. I even liked the smell of the powder that you put on your hands. One day I came to the poolroom early and there was no one in the place except Lauri. He challenged me to a game of straight pool and gave me a 90-ball spot on a 100-point game, playing for a pack of cigarettes.

Lauri ran five racks before he got out of position: the fifteen ball, which was his break shot, ended up behind the rack. Lauri called it in the corner pocket and I told him he’d never make it. He said let’s double the bet. He hit the cue ball off the right-hand side rail and it clipped the fifteen ball into the corner pocket before it broke open the rack. After running 150 balls Lauri unscrewed his cue and said that was enough for today. I went downstairs and bought him two packs of cigarettes.
Sometimes Lauri and I would talk baseball. I was a real Brooklyn Dodgers fan and I thought Lauri would be too. But years ago he shot pool with Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and ever since that day he was a Yankees fan. I also asked him who was the best player of all time. Was it Greenleaf or Mosconi? Lauri had played against both of them. Lauri thought for a moment and said in a single game he’d pick Greenleaf, but over a series of games it would be Mosconi because he was so consistent.
Every year Lauri would play Willie Mosconi at Julian’s in Manhattan on 14th Street. Lauri might win two games, but he said you always get punch drunk playing Mosconi because he was so good. The last time I saw Lauri and Mosconi play was in 1965, at a place called the Golden Q in Queens. They were playing 200-point matches and Lauri ended up defeating Mosconi with runs of 90 and 110. After the match Mosconi turned to the crowd and said, “doo you believe this old man?”
Mosconi in his biography Willie’s Game co-authored with Stanley Cohen, speaks of Onofrio Lauri. “You wouldn’t want him to be the guy standing between you and a championship. He was a sensational shot maker. If he got on a roll he could run out on you quicker than you could count the balls.”
I grew up in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, N.Y. in the 1950’s and lived around the corner from the Ovingtion Ave. pool room managed by “Sheak” Onifrio Lauri,as we called him.
In those days there was not internet, Willie Mosconi’s autobiography was yet to published. There was only word-of-mouth communications and so Sheak’ s pool eminence was not widely known. However, I watched him hit cue balls that knocked the brake ball into the side pocket then turn 360 degrees to brake the rack open for his next shot. He did this rack after rack.
He was amazing and is sorely missed.
In 1962 I was 17 and played a tournament at Roches pool hall near the Bay Shore train station.I played a 72 year old little man named Onofrio Laurie. He broke but didn’t play safe saying ‘let’s see what you can do kid’.i ran the biggest run of my life-42 balls. He said ‘nice goin kid’ and ran 75 to win I will never forget it
I saw Lauri in 1964 at Family Fun, Inc, a pool hall in Smithtown, LINY. He put on an exhibition and gave 5 minute lessons to the regulars. I asked for help getting a more powerful draw, and within the 5 minutes I drew one 10 feet off 2 rails and into the corner pocket. He was infuriated that I used his lesson to scratch, and the lesson was over. Lauri was the best I ever played with.
Great story about one of the all-time greats. Brings back great memories too. I used to hang out at the Golden Q in 1964-65 and watched Lauri play there many times. He very generous playing tips and I learned a lot from him.
Memories……Brooklyn Johnny at the Golden Que….playing one pocket…..mid sixties
He was my Great Uncle and I love to hear stories about him because I never had the chance to meet him. Thanks for sharing.
In the early/mid 50’s I spent all my free time in that poolroom, 2nd floor walk up with ‘The Boss’ as manager. I w0uld come to management the hall many times when he was off or a different shift, and I traveled with him to many exhibition shows around the boros, even racking for him. To think that he commuted daily from where he lived in the Bronx. Met many great people in that hall and played many a $5 game….. me the looser! How many cues he broke on his knee when he missed a shot! Always in a 3 piece suit with key chain and watch in the vest. Great memories BOSS!. peter purpura.